About Connor Peters

Hello, precious metal enthusiasts! I’m Connor Peters, and I’ve been captivated by the world of precious metals for over a decade. From the shimmer of gold to the luster of silver, my journey into this realm of investment has been both riveting and enlightening. Through this blog, I aim to share my experiences, discoveries, and lessons learned with all of you, hoping to ignite the same passion I hold for these incredible assets.

But let’s remember, while I’m wholeheartedly invested (both emotionally and financially) in precious metals, I’m not a financial advisor. What I offer here is a blend of personal experience, research, and heartfelt advice. Always ensure to consult with a professional before making any investment decisions.

Away from the gleaming world of gold and silver, I’m a dedicated family man. My wife, Liana, and our two kids, Max and Ellie, are my anchor and the real treasures in my life. We enjoy camping trips, where I get to play amateur astronomer, pointing out constellations and sharing stories of ancient cultures that equally revered the metals we now invest in. Weekend family bike rides and my ever-growing collection of vintage coins are the cherries on top of a fulfilling life.

In the rare moments I carve out for myself, you might find me absorbed in a historical novel, practicing my guitar, or trying (emphasis on trying) to master the art of barbecuing.

Thank you for joining me on this journey. Here’s to unearthing more insights, stories, and golden nuggets of information together!